Thursday, December 21, 2006


There is something about logging into WoW and have everyone yell your name in guild chat. And it something else to actually be in a guild that clicks and works well together. Before moving over to this guild i was in a extremley small guild of mainly alts and a few mains of very casual players. We had around 50 members to include the alts. I was handed over the guild one day cause the guild leader decided to quit WoW to have a RL. Well I had no clue what I was doing and most of the members /gquit to find better guilds. I still see some of them around but I never talk to them. What causes a guild to be tight? I know it not the lack of drama, cause no matter how tight the guild is there is always going to be drama. Is it the leadership? Is it the followership? Or is it focus? I see and hear a lot around the general chat about guilds disbanding that have been around since release. What is causeing these guilds to disband? What is causing other guilds that try to reform or start out never make it? Our GL does a good job managing the guild, imo, but sometimes I feel he is not tuff enough and that people know that they wont get a /gkick for the shit that they do or act. Is this good for the guild? I understand that /gkicks could easily get out of hand but sometimes I feel that it is warranted. If not a /gick a /rkick and a stern warining. I do know that mistakes happen but being a dumb ass over and over is not a mistake, except for that fact that they are in the raid in the first place. Will a few strategicaly placed /gkick cause the guild to disband? I dont think so. I think it will let the membership know we mean business. We can still have fun and cut up, but sometimes people dont fit into our "mold" of the guild and do nothing but cause trouble.

Maybe this is why my guild disbanded. But I never /gkick anyone from the guild. Maybe i was just a noob.


Blogger Unknown said...

Any "/kick" of any kind is inevitable and will be warranted at some point in time. But you will always have those GMs that get that power trip, are too stern, or who are trigger happy and ruin it for others in the guild. The thing is, there are those that will stay in a guild whose GM is passive, aggressive, or passive aggresive because they are like minded. Which is why I love our guild and why I feel people stay. Because we are all like minded, enjoy each others company, and have well balanced goals for our guild. This is the first and only guild that I have ever been in and wouldn't leave for anything... unless you payed me (WoW currency or RL), or Mateo actually posted a photo of him wearing panties (inside baseball), or Trav's mom promised to finally leave me alone. No matter how you run a guild, you will always have like minded people to stick it out with ya... unless it's you and your entire guild disbands... then you know you suck! lol :)

December 21, 2006 at 12:39 PM  
Blogger Dick said...

Well I hope Mateo never posts that pic. It was bad enough when CJ and bullvi start posting pics of them when they loose bets. And for the record, Trav's mom will never leave any of us alone. She is the guild "toy" and we just have to learn to share!

December 21, 2006 at 1:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well you can have it, I don't want that toy anymore. BTW, share this!

December 21, 2006 at 1:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

To be honest, I don't really think of myself as necessarily the GL, more often I think of myself as the guild's raid leader. Most of the dicisions behind the scenes come together as a consensus. I guess technically the final say so falls on me, but thankfully we've never come to that point. It truly has been a team effort with leadership.

That said, the reason why I don't have an itchy trigger finger when it comes to /gkicks is in my professional career I've worked for a while as a labor relations consultant. While guildies aren't "employees" and I'm not your "manager," in a certain respect I treat people that way. What I mean by this is if people are unhappy in their job, they can either quit or seek outside representation (like a union). In my experience, people are the most unhappy when they think management is out to get them. People get defensive, and find a way to "get the power back." I take everything that happens in the guild seriously, but I don't want to get a rep of quickly kicking people without giving them the same respect of talking to them about the issues we have with them as apposed to just straight kicking them. That way, in the long run, people will stay happy while we still can deal with and remove the few bad apples we have.

December 22, 2006 at 1:48 PM  

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