Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Working for the Government is GREAT

Can you sense the sarcasm in my voice?

I had a trip planned since March to go to San Jose to visit a friend of mine on Wed. I had purchased the tickets in April and put my leave on the books at that time. Well I get told yesterday that I was not able to take my leave due to the upgrade training that I have to complete and take my End of Course test next week. Usually this would not be a big deal, but I was really looking forward to this trip. I had already dropped the cash on the tickets, and my friend was on the ball with pleanty of stuff to do. Now working for the government can have its perks, let me tell you how great it is to flash a military ID and reap the benefits that people throw your way, but it really blows when they tell you that you can't take leave because they felt like it. And no they will not reimburse me for my tickets that I bought 4 months ago. Meh, I can't wait till april when I become a civilan again.


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