Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Crazy Bitches Pt 2

remember when i said we got some crazy bitches causing drama in the guild? Well she/he/it (not sure wich one) stuck again. Waaaaa group 1 got further in Kara. Waaaaa you fucked up the quest i was on. Waaaaa i dont want to group with pally anymore, cause im freak of nature and dont know how to control myself and take this GAME way to seriously. Its also funny how she/he/it can say they have a degree and 1337 job but is logged into the game for 20+ hours a day.

The shit finally hit the fan and crazy bitch hit the door. she/he/it was the type of person that felt like they needed to control every aspect of what everybody else was doing, but was to lazy/chicken shit/stupide to run their own guild. Instead they join your guild an wreak havok on everyone else. They are good at what they do. They manage to piss people off that usually dont give a fuck or take this GAME to seriously. Our officers had a meeting and decided that she/he/it needed the boot. Since I'm not an officer (though i should be, guild dick would be nice. I could be the asshole to give bad news and the boot), i was not in on the convo, but i did get all the nasty details afterwards, in a more abridged version, im sure.

This is why they need to make an officer slot for me. Cause i wont put up with that shit. Plus i make all the other officers look good since i would doing all of their dirty work! I could handle that. Plus it would be hella fun, and funny. Hmm maybe if i piss enough people off we can have a guild that was created of people that hated/booted from us, just like over on another server talked about at AFK Gamer. I know our drama doesnt compare to theirs, but its good reading.

I know that a lot of people are worried that we lost a MT but we will be fine. We have pleanty of people that can step up and we can also do some more recruiting.


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