Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Future Posts

Well I may seemed to be getting more traffic here, and may need to add a little more structure to my blog. So if you come here and are interested in anything pertaining to my WoW life, or RL, drop me a comment of what you want to know.

I have been playing WoW for about a year and half now and I am fairly knowledgeable on my class. I have played every spec a few times now and have done some PvP. Not much but some. So any questions, feel free to let them fly.

I have also been around now for a little while, and know my way around life, some what. So any questions regarding me, and my attempt to make it day to day in such a fucked up world, ask away.

Oh and I only post when I'm at work, cause my job is awesome like that, but not today. I have been hella busy today, but usually I am searching for things to do. Plus I dont really care too much about structure to my blog so any comments on needing to fix something or spelling errors, cause I can't spell for shit, aren't really needed. You can leave them, but that doesn't mean I will change my ways.

Friday, July 20, 2007


At the moment I only have 3 daily quest that I can do. Each one pays out around 12g wich isn't too bad. They are mostly easy so the return on the gold is incredible. I have one left in Skettis, where I have to bomb the eggs. This quest is really straight forward, Avoid the birds flying around, and bomb 20 eggs. This quest goes really quick even if numerous people are doing the same quest.

The other 2 quests I have are in Blade's Edge Mountain. The first one is another bombing run where you have to destroy the ammo cache around the cannons. This quest is not hard once you get your rythm down. The main thing to watch out for are the cannons. When you are mounted they will shoot fire balls at you that will dismount you and put a debuff on you that does about 300 a tick for around 10 secs. Now depending on how high you are when you get shot down, dictates if you are going to die for falling damage. That seems to be my problem, I like to fly really high, swoop in and bomb and fly back out really high again. Well sometims I'm not zig zagging enough and BOOM, down I go. That is the only part that is not fun, cause the corpse run is a little long.

The last quest I have is to wrangle the nether rays. EASY. Wrangle 5 nethers and return them back to the quest giver. The only problem here is, I cant use dot's cause at or around 1000hp they can be wrangled and sometimes I get an unlucky crit chain and I kill it. Damn it, gotta go find another one.

Now I know there are more Dailies I could be doing, but I'm lazy and don't care. The 36g I get a day is enough for me. I'm really close to my Epic flying mount so as soon as I drop the cash on that, I will start working on the netherdrake dailies.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Damn, I'm looking at my signature at the top of my page that has my stats on it and boy do I look pathetic. I don't really have the gear that I would like to have due to not being able to attend the raids anymore. I have locks that have never raided before TBC, that outgear me and have way more experience in Kara than I have. I'm not complaining, but I seemed to be at a stand still. I have so busy lately with RL that I don't have the time to play like I used to. I still try to atleast log on and do my dailies, and now that I don't know if I will make a raid, I usually just play an alt.

On the side, I have slowly been leveling my Shammy and she hit 40 last night. Some of the guildies decided to run SM and we went with 4 Shammies, and a Druid. Our levels ranged from 36 to 40 and we were inahliating that place. It was a lot of fun. We only had a couple of deaths, 1 being mine, and the other from the only other 40 in the instance. I hadn't had fun like that in a while. We just went in and just killed stuff. I pushed half a level just last night from that run but I'm sure it wont happen again tonight, as the guild is running Kara. Maybe I will pug it, probably not but, you never know. I just need the last 2 wings to finish my quest and I wont have to go back anymore.

I really enjoy the blog and I may not post as often as most blogs, but I want to keep it going. I enjoy reading other people's blogs so for the few that venture this way, I will try to atleast post something. Most of my posts in the future may not always be WoW related, as don't play as much as I used, but I will at least try to post some of the good things in my life that happen.