Friday, December 29, 2006

Attention Whores

Oh No, not the attention whores. O gawd. We all have attention whores in our guilds. Some are worse than others. Some are cool and witty and funny and we dont mind them cause they always say things to make you laugh, cringe, or just boggle your mind. We have a couple of them in our guild and we always get a kick out of if it and always makes the raids so much funner. I have been guilty of this kind of whoring of the chat/vent channels before.

But what about those whores that are only out for the attention of the raid/guild leader? OMG i just want to punch them in the freakin face. They are the most obvious and everyone knows it but no ones says anything. They are the most fake person in the guild and are always searching for the attention from the others. Bah. Although I hate it so much, I do enjoy the whispers that fly back and forth when some bullshit is said in the raid. That realy makes my raid experience so much better. We all know that we are not going to /gkick someone for being an attention whore, that is just their personality. So instead we just laugh at how pathetic they can be.

I know that we are all guilty of it and I am too. Some do it for different reasons and for brief periods of times. Im sure i could by def be labeled an attention whore, but im my deffense, Im not seeking anybody's attention or approval of anybody. I think i am just the Guild dickhead and in turn i end up getting alot of attention. I always get the whispers from the offices and Raid leader saying, chill out or cut it out it was a mistake, things along those lines. I'm not affraid to call someone out in raid chat for being a dumbass and I feel sometimes a public chastizing of your moronic moves in game are warranted. Hell I would expect it if it was me and I would be the first to own up to a mistake that caused a wipe to 40 people. But hey thats just me.

Last Night In MC

Well I got a kitchen pass last night to be able to raid MC with the guild. We only had around 30 players raiding due to the holidays and people loosing interest in MC now the it is offically on farm status. Our DPS is definatly on par with MC as we tear through the mobs and boss fights with ease even with only 30 people. Althoug we did have a couple of wipes but were due to stupid mistakes or pure bad luck. We are still trying to get the whole decursive situation under control. We wiped on Shaz due to we were short on healers and the ones that were trying to keep the tanks up were have to decurse also and were having trouble juggleing the two. Well we mades some changes to the healers and all went well. We wiped on the next boss also but not sure why. In the middle of the boss fight i had to go afk real quick cause my dogs were causing all kinds of ruckus that i had to go tend to. I came back to a wipe. Was it cause I wasn't there to lay down my sick ass DPS? Well we downed him on the second attempt no problem as we decided to pull ou heads out of our asses, at least that is what i thought......

We wiped on Domo. Why? Cause some one had there Winter's veal grinch out and guess what those grinches go for first. You guessed right, CC. Talk about a bunch of chickens running around with ther heads cut off. Now I have always thought that Domo was a little chaotic, but when something like this happens it gets way more confusing. Well we got him down, of course, and he dropped his usuall stuff.

Since we had wiped on the last 3 bosses and moved so slowly, as we were headed to Rag, we got repops on top of us as we were fighting mobs. Well my time was up and had to hearth out so dont know what happened from there. I am sure they downed rag as was always do. Maybe of the other Locks got there pants.

**Well checking the guild website, I see we didnt down Rag. Dont know if they made to him and couldnt down him and called it or called due to all the trash that respawned on top of them.**

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Stupid Real Life

Well shit, I hate it when RL gets in the way of playing WoW. Here latley my RL has got in the way of my WoW life and I havent gotten much time to play. Its not always bad, my wife is here and that is always good. But its the stupid stuff I dont like to do in RL anyways. Like pay bills. I hate them so much.

So what happens to the friends you make in game when RL take over and they no longer play WoW? I tend to get kinda attached to my friends and do consider some of the people i play with online as my friends. why not we talk everday on vent and even talk about RL stuff, not just WoW talk. Right now I feel so distant from my friends now that I have a RL. Is it bad that I get more enjoyment playing a video game with friends that I have never met face to face then I do going to a bar? That is about all there is to do now is go to bars or clubs to drink and chase women. Well im married so scratch chasing women, and I dont like to drink so scratch the drinking. I could get into sports with my coworkers but I live so far away from base at the moment that it's not viable. It becomes to be too much of a chore to drive those long distances. So i find my sactuary in WoW.

I guess what it comes down to is that I miss yall and cant wait to get back to raiding with yall again. I hope yall all had a good Holiday season and can't wait to get back to the level grind with yall when the Xpac comes out.

Only the Strong Survive

I read a lot of blogs while im at work (what else am i going to do? Work? ya right) and came accross this one that was posted in our guild forums.

Raid leader

Now I have no problem with my current guild and have no want to leave for a more Hardcore guild. I enjoy my playtime with my guild and it would take a lot for me to leave.

Now with the disclaimer out of the way, Here is my opinion on this type of raid leader. A lot of people think "Oh what an asshole! I would never stay in a guild like that." Well having gone through leadership school for the Air Force, I learned of many different leadership styles and how people respond to those leaders. Now most of the replies I got were from the younger folks and they say that it is un called for. Well I'm not saying that im old and wise but do have a bit more experience in life and being a veteran I have seen a few more things that what i had experienced in High school.

There is nothing wrong with this leadership style what so ever! Those people choose/applied to be in that guild and also have the right to leave at anytime they please. Those players are there cause they are like minded and strive to be the best on that server. And they are. They all strive for that and that shows they are strong. The weak wouldn't last 10 mins with that guild leader. Hence the saying "Only the strong survive" This is true to life and nature. If you are weak you will not last or you will be forgotten. I would have no problem in that guild or with a GL that was that way. Actually I would find it funny until i was getting picked on. But hey, if im screwing up then i would deserve it, and it would cause me to shape up. In my current line of work this is very important cause it could cost me my life, or my wingman's life.

Now im not saying that our guild is weak by anymeans, but I do know that most people couldn't handle this style of leadership. What most people are missing is the good things that come from that guild. We only see a snapshot of what is going on in that guild and as for all we know, that could be over a span of 3 months of raiding. He may have even given some positive reinforcement in there. We dont know. People tend to focus on the negative in there and miss the good that comes from it.

I Hate Blizzard

Well I finnally got around to sending in the list of items I had missing from my bank since the patch. Almost instantly I recieved an email back from the GM stating that they could replace my items that were lost. WTF? Why even send me an email asking me to send in a listing if they weren't even going to attempt or already knew that they weren't going to replace my items?

What are you supposed to do in the this situation? Bend over and take it? I mean this isn't going to make me cancel my subsciption, but come on. Now I have to go out and grind for all the items I had worked hard for to increase my rep with argent dawn. I'm upset also that I was 2 insignia of the dawn away from getting an 18 slot bag. As a warlock I need all the bag space I can get so I can ensure I pleanty of soul shards for the raids.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Well nothing new going on in wow. I havent been able to play and im think im going into a spasm wanting to play. Well maybe i can talk the ol' lady into letting me play tonight or maybe tomorrow for MC. Who knows...............

Friday, December 22, 2006


Well the new patch was bitter sweet. I got to respec all my characters for free and we got new talents to play with. Hell I got my felguard and he rocks. But I went to my bank on patch day and what do i see, all but 1 of my bags are gone along with a shit load of my stuff. Well the buzz around the chat channels was of the same, so i figured that since this was such wide scale problem, of course Blizz will have to address it.

Well I was going to put in a ticket but under the new system it gives updates to the most common problems and said they were going to do a hot fix for it. So I let it ride. Hot Fix came and went and I still didnt have my shit. Well now Im pissed and put in a ticket only to find that they are overwhelmed and have no estimated time to when they are going to respond to my ticket. 2 days later I get an in-game mail from Blizz that says not to do anything with my current ticket and that they have no clue when they will address the ticket. Well Shit. You know i wouldnt really care if it had been some bullshit in my bank but really, who just keeps bullshit in there bank? The items are always there for a reason, no to just store vendor trash, so WTF?

A week later I get the following email from Blizz:

Greetings Richard!

Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.

We have conducted an initial investigation of the issue you reported and were unable to verify the claim. If you can recall any further specific details regarding the circumstances through which items were in your bank, please answer the questions listed below in a reply to this email. However, please remember that restoration of any kind is not guaranteed and that not all investigations will result in verification. While we will make every effort to verify and restore your loss, the decision to go forward with a restoration is entirely at Blizzard's discretion.

While we can restore items with random modifiers (of the Bear, of the Eagle,etc.), we cannot guarantee that you will receive the same modifier you had on your original item. We are also unable to restore enchantments or add-ons that these items may have possessed.

For further information please check our Restoration Policy located at(

Please provide the following information regarding the loss. Remember, be as detailed as possible.

- Exact names of the items that were lost.

- When was the last time you remember having these items?

We apologize sincerely for this inconvenience and we thank you again for contacting us. We hope you continue to enjoy your experience in World of Warcraft!

Specialist Blizzard Entertainment

Well all of my enchanting mats were still there cause those items were in my main bank spot but what I'm really pissed about is all of the Argent Dawn rep items I was saving are gone. I hadnt turned a single scourage stone, minion stone, corruptors stone until I hit revered and I'm only half way through honored. Plus all of the other turn ins for tokens to get say the 18 slot bag, I had 7 of those, and the skeletal fragments, iron scaps, and core of elements, GONE! And trinkets i got through quests, GONE! Now i get to submit my list to Blizz and for them to do an investigation.

Now I do work around the servers here at Luke AFB, and know how back up systems work, Why can't they pull the tape for the day before the patch and check my account for what I had. Its not that hard to do. Should take them 30 mins tops to find the correct tape and maybe 1 hour to really check to see what i had. Im so pissed and know that i lost roughly 150 Argent Dawn Stones and probably some where around 5k rep points with this loss and Blizz is going to give the stanard Sorry, stick up your ass!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


There is something about logging into WoW and have everyone yell your name in guild chat. And it something else to actually be in a guild that clicks and works well together. Before moving over to this guild i was in a extremley small guild of mainly alts and a few mains of very casual players. We had around 50 members to include the alts. I was handed over the guild one day cause the guild leader decided to quit WoW to have a RL. Well I had no clue what I was doing and most of the members /gquit to find better guilds. I still see some of them around but I never talk to them. What causes a guild to be tight? I know it not the lack of drama, cause no matter how tight the guild is there is always going to be drama. Is it the leadership? Is it the followership? Or is it focus? I see and hear a lot around the general chat about guilds disbanding that have been around since release. What is causeing these guilds to disband? What is causing other guilds that try to reform or start out never make it? Our GL does a good job managing the guild, imo, but sometimes I feel he is not tuff enough and that people know that they wont get a /gkick for the shit that they do or act. Is this good for the guild? I understand that /gkicks could easily get out of hand but sometimes I feel that it is warranted. If not a /gick a /rkick and a stern warining. I do know that mistakes happen but being a dumb ass over and over is not a mistake, except for that fact that they are in the raid in the first place. Will a few strategicaly placed /gkick cause the guild to disband? I dont think so. I think it will let the membership know we mean business. We can still have fun and cut up, but sometimes people dont fit into our "mold" of the guild and do nothing but cause trouble.

Maybe this is why my guild disbanded. But I never /gkick anyone from the guild. Maybe i was just a noob.

Loot Whore

What is a Loot Whore?

Every time I roll on a item or bid for an item I have a friend that always pst's me "Loot Whore" It doesnt bother me cause I know he is just messin with me, but who doesnt want better loot?

I feel that we all raid for the loot. It gives us a way to show our accomplishments as a raiding guild of how far we have gone.

Now the Loot Whore is the person that never shows up to raids or jumps in on the second day of an instance and wants all the loots with out having to put in the work to get them. We have a couple in the guild and sometimes it does create drama but we always overcome.

So if there is Loot Whores in your guild, is there a Loot Pimp? Would this be the master looter? The raid leader? Or the person that refuses to take any gear until everybody gets their full set? I think it is the later. We do have a few people in the guild that feel this way and are always forced to take loot but they always feel bad for it. Sometimes this is just at bad as the loot whore. The pimp is only hurting guild proggression by not taking the loot to be on par with the rest of the raid.


Well since the patch I found myself doing more pvp than normally. I initially spec'd 17/0/34 to turn out more damage in raids. When going into a battle ground I found that I wasn't for pvp. I didnt put the right talents points in destruction to be viable in BG's and didnt have enough talent points to go deep enough in the afflicition tree to do the damage either. I respec'd to 5/41/5 with imp corruption for instant cast, 41 to get my felguard, and imp shadowbolt. I was sceptical about the spec initially but have found that I own in BG's and now I found that do way more damage in raids. Last MC I was on top of the Damage meter for most of the night until we hit Garr and I had to focus on my banishes instead of dpsing. Overall for the night I came out 3rd on the meter behind a rogue and a T2 lock.

This spec is killer for pvp. Everybody always hollars "Nerf Locks" but actually i dont feel that way, and that is not just a bias casue my main is a lock. When a locks steps foot into a BG DPS is focused on that lock, We dont last as long, plus we are useless against rogues. I am always getting owned by rogues especially if they get first hit. Any stun or fear on a lock and we are done. Are biggest defense is Death Coil and it has a cooldown so we screwed if we can spam it as soon as we are no longer stunned. I feel that most people know that if they go 1 on 1 with a lock, felfguard or not, that they will usually get owned, so people now seem to take out locks before healers now.

I really enjoy pvping even though i know that as soon as the BG starts I know I am target number 1. Even when we loose at WSG or AB, I still like to atleast do some killing. Most people just afk and try to get some honor (the few we get now from HK's) from the few that actually try to put up a fight.

I really want to get the GM dagger and off hand before the expansion comes out but with the holidays and my wife being in town I have very little time now to even log in. Man I miss playing WoW.

About Me

Well this is my fisrt attempt at blogging and I felt that what better to blog about than my life in World of Warcraft! I spend loads of time playing I really enjoy it. I have made lots of friends in game and have some enemies too.

My Main is Scorcher, a Human Lock level 60 on Medivh. I am 7/8 T1 and 1/8 T2 with other random epics and 1 blue item left. ( that space is waiting for my Felheart pants to drop in MC) I am a member of Guardians of Fate guild. We are a casual raiding guild that is part way through BWL.

My other 60 is Vertebrae, a Human Pally with like 1 piece of T1 and few pieces of T0. I dont play him much anymore cause I have moved my main as my lock. Vert just wasnt as fun as Scorcher was so I switched over. My guild was kind enough to allow me to do this since we had just started MC at that time.

I will get more stuff on my blog as soon as I get around to it. This is probably going to be a casual Blog and my grammar and spelling is not the best, so for all of you Grammar Police out there, F*** Off!