Tuesday, June 12, 2007

RL Post

I missed some raids this week due to RL plans. I have been going out more lately since im single now (ladies dont all come running at once now) and have been putting RL above all. Before i used WoW to keep me out of trouble, but now the gloves are off and im on the prowl again. I may be a little rusty, but i wont give up. I see the light!

Mostly been spending most of my time with my childhood friend that i have known now for 20 years. He has recently joined up with a new band and they fucking rock. They havent been playing together for too long but they have what it takes. They play so well together, that their music is always on. they started doing open mics of course, but after their 8th or so open mics in about 3 months that they already started getting paying gigs. The last open mic they had a man approached them and booked them for 2 different shows at 2 different places, just like that. Every time the sets keep getting bigger and bigger. I have become their sound tech and hope that they start to really take off. Who knows, but i would definatley like to be along for the ride.

If anyone would like to check them out, you can check out their myspace page, SAWCELLO is the name of the band. They have a few songs up on their page now but are always changing it. And there are a few crappy videos, but we are working on getting better ones, as we now have a camera guy.

But all in all i have been have a really good time finnally getting out again and hanging out with friends. I have a few trips booked already in th future to visit the friends that don't live so close, and i cant wait for that. I'm headed to Vegas this weekend to see Roger Waters in concert, and to have a kick ass time. Im headed to San Jose in August, L.A. and San deigo in September, and I think we are trying to get a trip together to head to North Carolina to meet up with some friends there. I am glad that I started playing this game, cause i have made some good RL friends from it and even though we are spread out accross the world, we all are making an effor to meet up with each other and have some fun. Its good being in a more mature guild, cause if we are all little kids, this would never happen.

As I get older you soon find out who your real friends are and the ones that say they are your friends. I have a few friends now that i feel are on the fence for me. I still hang out with them but i dont expect anything from them. All i know that if i ever needed anything that I know that the friends i keep close would be there for me, and I appreciate that. Thank you fuckers for having my back.

Crazy Bitches Pt 2

remember when i said we got some crazy bitches causing drama in the guild? Well she/he/it (not sure wich one) stuck again. Waaaaa group 1 got further in Kara. Waaaaa you fucked up the quest i was on. Waaaaa i dont want to group with pally anymore, cause im freak of nature and dont know how to control myself and take this GAME way to seriously. Its also funny how she/he/it can say they have a degree and 1337 job but is logged into the game for 20+ hours a day.

The shit finally hit the fan and crazy bitch hit the door. she/he/it was the type of person that felt like they needed to control every aspect of what everybody else was doing, but was to lazy/chicken shit/stupide to run their own guild. Instead they join your guild an wreak havok on everyone else. They are good at what they do. They manage to piss people off that usually dont give a fuck or take this GAME to seriously. Our officers had a meeting and decided that she/he/it needed the boot. Since I'm not an officer (though i should be, guild dick would be nice. I could be the asshole to give bad news and the boot), i was not in on the convo, but i did get all the nasty details afterwards, in a more abridged version, im sure.

This is why they need to make an officer slot for me. Cause i wont put up with that shit. Plus i make all the other officers look good since i would doing all of their dirty work! I could handle that. Plus it would be hella fun, and funny. Hmm maybe if i piss enough people off we can have a guild that was created of people that hated/booted from us, just like over on another server talked about at AFK Gamer. I know our drama doesnt compare to theirs, but its good reading.

I know that a lot of people are worried that we lost a MT but we will be fine. We have pleanty of people that can step up and we can also do some more recruiting.

Prince is Down!

We have constantly been running 2 groups through Kara every week starting on Friday and going till reset. When we started we moved very well, both groups, only to hit a wall at the Curator. We spent probably 3 weeks or more "stuck" at him. Well this past week group 1 went into Kara with a vengence and was determined to down Curator. Well they 1 shot every boss till him and then it was on. Guess what? They 1 shot the curator too! I was not on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday's run due to RL plans. They were doing so well that they didnt want to stop there momentum and would keep going back each night to see how far they could get. Last night I given a spot in the raid and only boss left to kill in that place was the Prince. We cleared to him with 1 wipe due to a Leeroy by a newb rogue, but no big deal. We got to the prince and did about 4 test runs (before potting up) to see the strat and see how hard he actually hit. First attempt we made it to phase 2 no problem only to be boxed in by an infernal. No big deal we expected a wipe. We had 2 locks so we were able to time our SS just right so we never needed to run back. After some adjusting it was time to Pot it up! Everything is well until, oops, the MT's game froze up at about 95%, but he was still tanking, We took it easy to ensure he would stay on top of the threat meter and he tanked "AFK" till about 56% and an enfernal dropped on his head. It was hilarious. 8th attempt, doing great, our first time into phase 3 and we are focused. It looked doomed, we lost a healer and most of our DPS. 15% left, me, mage and the tank. Oh Shit! All i can hear on vent is "dot him up, 15%" Our main tank is the man, He popped everything he could and was MS the hell out of him. He was up to about 22k hp with a lock and mage for DPS. Next thing we know it, Me and the mage are alive and the pince is dead. Talk about amazing. I was sure it was going to be a wipe at 1% with no healers and the tank down, but thank god for affliction spec and my 14 million dots i have to cast!

Some good loots, t4 token went to tank, healing mace went to priest, and AP cloak went to rogue. I didnt get anything, pffft typical. but im not a loot whore or anything.